Sunday, September 8, 2024
SCRIPTURE BREAK DON'T COMPARE Don't compare, compete or copy others. Only imitate Christ and follow His example! He's the one you're following. Don't be deceived into thinking, talking & walking as someone you are not. You are an Original and not a copy, you are called, anointed and gifted by God. REMEMBER you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You are in right standing with Father. You can boldly approach the throne of grace. Think, talk and walk in the revelation & reality of ...
The Noah's Ark can be seen as a Type & Shadow of Spirit, Mind and Body ... learn more about it.
What the Bible says about Internet and WEB ... learn more about it.
We strongly believe in the triune aspect of the human being: Spirit - Mind - Body. Man, as created by God, and living on earth in mortal flesh, is a triune being, composed of "spirit and soul (mind) and body" (1 Thessalonians 5:23).